The Kick-off Meeting of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Was Held in a New Composition
The number of the members of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) was increased from 50 to 70. Philipp Ryabchenko, Senior Partner of BIEL, took part in the kickoff meeting.
Valery Fadeev, Chief Editor of the Expert Magazine, Director of the Institute for Public Design, became the moderator of the meeting.
Andrei Nikitin, General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, was the first to make the speech summarizing the results of the work of the Agency for 2014. He appraised the implementation of the roadmaps of the National Entrepreneurial Initiative (NEI) as especially successful. He said that the regulation-making work had ended and the deployment and reproduction of successful practices had begun.
In his speech, Andrei Nikitin gave an overview of the development strategy of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives until 2018. He highlighted three areas of activities as the main ones, in particular saying: "The first one is to generate conditions for the global leadership of Russia (including the National Technological Initiative and the "Investment Elevator" export support mechanism). The second one is to improve the investment climate in regions of Russia (including the NEI and the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation). The third one is to create a foundation for long-term development (to the extent relating to additional education of children and improving the image of an entrepreneur)."
Directors of the Areas made speeches after the General Director. Artem Avetisyan, Director of the New Business area, said that 46 leader projects had been supported and the implementation of 10 system projects had begun since 2011. Capital investments in this area amounted to RUR 88 billion enabling creation of more than 10,000 new jobs. The New Business area will create conditions in the future to triple the export share of non-raw-material companies due to which Russia will be among the ten leading countries, said Artem Avetisyan.
Vladimir Yablonsky, Director of the Social Projects area, assured all those present that the work to support social entrepreneurship would be continued. In particular, his division plans to develop further social, engineering and transport projects for disabled persons as well as projects for additional education of children.
Svetlana Chupsheva, Corporate Director, and Valery Fadeev, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, also delivered speeches.
Based on the materials of the website