Five Projects Approved at the Expert Council of the Strategic Initiative Agency
Under the auspices of the Strategic Initiative Forum, an expanded meeting of the Expert Council of the Strategic Initiative Agency (SIA) which Filipp Ryabchenko, Senior Partner of the BIEL law firm, is a member of was held on July 21, 2016. The date of the event coincided with the 5th anniversary of the Strategic Initiative Agency.
The meeting was attended by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation who congratulated members of the Expert Council and praised their services in ensuring effective work of the team. The President of the Russian Federation thanked participants for their selfless work and endeavor to be useful for Russia. The outputs of work turned out to be large-scale and impressive. The President expressed hope that the rates and quality of the SIA’s work would be getting even higher. The project is aimed at upgrading performance of administrative authorities to create a new and effective networking between businessmen and administrative entities.
For a few years of work, SIA members rendered assistance to over 200 projects in different lines. Some of them were presented at the Forum’s exposition. President Vladimir Putin who visited the exposition said that the progress in the scale of activities was getting ever more prominent and experts were capable of handling ever more complicated challenges. Also, Vladimir Putin said that HR and education issues had an effect on the country’s competitive edge, while the SIA played an important role in uniting all those who were aimed at positive changes.
According to President Vladimir Putin, it is a major achievement of the SIA’s efforts that in governing bodies there are now people who are capable of managing important transformations in regions, cities and rural areas. Also, governors came to the meeting to support projects of their regions.
Experts approved 5 projects which were to be implemented consistently both in the social sphere and high-tech industries.
The project of introduction of terrain study technologies by means of drones belongs to Geoscan, a St. Petersburg-based Group of Companies which is Russia’s major designer of civil-purpose drones. Also, the Geoscan Group of Companies deals with development of technologies and software for remote soil probing.
Unique Geoscan-designed drones surpass by quality and performance even well-known international analogs. Drones are widely used for crop multispectral surveying. Drones of that series work effectively not only in Russia, but in other foreign countries, as well. They helped carry out the country’s most ambitious research into the “silk road” route. It would have been impossible to develop a detailed 3D model of the city of Tomsk without them: drones easily and quickly covered the area of 320 sq. meters.
The company’s experts have created Photoscan software: that product which is in high demand is recognized by experts as the most required software for processing of aerial survey materials. At present, the above software is actively utilized by tens of thousands of users worldwide. The SIA intends to support production of drones which can be used in mapmaking, agriculture and building.
The leaders of the Pioneer M Sevastopol Project were the rector and researcher of the Sevastopol State University. Participants in the meeting learnt that the Pioneer M project was an interuniversity youth project which implied expert support of students of maritime higher education establishments. Interested in the success of the project, the rector and his students designed and built a state-of-the-art functional research vessel with a few detachable mobile laboratories. At the Sevastopol State University, they simulated all the effective design and engineering conditions. The academic process included an overall set of working conditions to deal effectively with topical production and technological issues. In solving those issues, the higher education establishment identified new models of training of future engineers for a variety of industries. One of the lines of the project program deals with establishment in the city of Sevastopol of a new academic institution – the Federal Center for Maritime Professional Training – where high-skilled maritime experts are to be trained. In terms of upgrading the city infrastructure, an issue of establishment of a maritime industrial park was raised. The SIA intends to render all-round and extensive support to the Sevastopol State University.
The Fabrika Budushego project participated within the frameworks of the TechNet program of the National Technological Initiative. The project’s main objective was formation of a package of competences with integrated advanced production technologies and business models. The Fabrika Budushego project implies availability of sites where young and ambitious experts carry out designing, analysis, testing and appraisal of samples of new products: for that purpose a virtual setting with real conditions for engineering design and operating of goods was created.
Complicated industrial challenges can now be dealt with by means of a digital design technology, new materials and additive technologies. The new approach has effectively contributed to reduction of engineering design time-limits and costs of products. At the enterprise, it is planned to build a few testing sites for optimizing and reproducing various technologies. The project is aimed among other things at the auto industry, shipbuilding and development of new helicopters and rockets. The SIA is planning to render all-round and active information support in communications networking with industrial partners.
The project which is meant to consolidate positions of mentor-teachers is aimed at children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. For ensuring a successful adaptation of children and building correct relations with the community in general, mentors are assigned to children to teach the latter the basic principles of cooperation through individual communication. The goal of the project is to attract renowned businessmen and public figures as mentors.
At present, within the frameworks of the individual mentorship program problem children not only realize their versatilities, but also become more confident and vigorous and acquire qualities of a leader.
Etnomir, a cultural and educational institution, participates in the Etnomir project which goal is familiarization with life, culture and traditions of different peoples of Russia. The way the project was implemented is interesting and aesthetic: meticulously reconstructed courtyards include various ethnic buildings ranging from hotels, museums, craft producer workshops and boutiques to restaurants and souvenir shops. The project includes facilities which can vividly show the lifestyle of different peoples. Visitors temporarily become “natives” and receive a good idea of ethnos and cultural diversity. Both adults and children who visit the center comprehend the fundamental principles of harmony and unity. Each exposition creates the impression of the world as a large harmonious family in which everybody should live in peace. The center offers interesting educational programs for children and holds exhibitions, concerts, festivals, carnivals, as well as events dedicated to culture of different countries and nations.
Also, it is planned within the project to develop on the Etnomir basis a creative city of friendship of nations. The SIA intends to provide consulting and methodological support to the simulating educational program for children. Activities are planned to be carried out under the guidance of the Etnomir cultural center. Also, representatives of the SIA declared that they would actively contribute to promotion of international contacts.